Effective February 10, 2022, the board of directors of NexPoint Capital, Inc. approved the determination of the Company’s net asset value per share and the price at which the Company issues shares under its distribution reinvestment plan (the “DRP”) at $6.35 per share.
Effective February 11, 2021, the board of directors of NexPoint Capital, Inc. approved the determination of the Company’s net asset value per share and the price at which the Company issues shares under its distribution reinvestment plan (the “DRP”) at $6.16 per share. The increase in net asset value per share year-over-year is approximately 3.1%. The Company’s quarterly dividends to shareholders of record as of September 30, 2021 were $0.09 per share. Based upon the recently announced NAV, the distribution rate would be 4.25% annualized if the recent dividend rate is maintained.
NexPoint Capital, Inc. is a business development company (“BDC”) managed by NexPoint Advisors, L.P. In aggregate as of September 30, 2021, the Adviser controls 2,549,002 total shares (or 24.33%) of the Company, including reinvestment of dividends, for a net amount of approximately $16.3 million. As of September 30, 2021, the BDC had total assets of $65.6 million. The BDC was invested in Senior Secured Loans, Asset-Backed Securities, Corporate Bonds, Common Stocks, LLC Interests and Partnership Units.
Source: SEC